vinyl sticker

Options for Temporary Parking Situations

Temporary parking situations can be confusing and difficult in terms of safety and security. Seasonal fairs and festivals, special sporting events, new student orientations, or bringing students to university at the beginning of the school year, are just a few examples. At those times it is difficult to verify which vehicles have authorization to park in various lots or specific spaces. Security can be a hassle for the event organizers, volunteer staff, vendors, participants, and college campuses. There are some easy and cost-effective options to help make sense of these temporary parking situations.

The use of parking hang tags can verify authorization for vehicles in parking lots, garages, lanes, and specific spaces. The annual music festival is upcoming and security is going to need a way to control parking. Color coded hang tags can be issued to performers, event staff, and VIPs, so security can patrol designated lots and easily spot verification for authorized vehicles. Any vehicles without the right color hanger, or no hanger, can be ticketed or towed. Tags can be customized to include the name of the event, any logo associated with the event, and can even be numbered.

Organizers can send hangers to participants ahead of time, or hand them out at the gate. They can then collect them at the close of the event, and use them again next time. One expenditure can provide hangers for events for years because they are constructed of heavy plastic and are durable. The minimum order amount is twenty-five, so even small organizations can afford to have tags for security and safety.

Hangers can also be used for parent pick up at elementary and middle schools. Large ones can be seen from a distance and even in rainy or snowy weather. Added security at busy times can keep everyone safer, especially young children. There are other options such as car vinyl stickers, cling stickers, small hang tags, and handicapped placards. Items can be created from several templates online, custom designed, or made with an existing logo that can be downloaded. Temporary parking does not have to be a logistical nightmare when organizers plan ahead.